Chancellor Kethas epetai-Rustadzh
CO, IKV NasToj
CO, yo' wa' (1st Fleet)
Grand Marshall - IKF Fighters Guild
IKF Founding Member

Vice Chancellor Zarcon epetai-Ta'raQ
CO, IKV Neghvar
CO, yo' cha' (2nd FLeet)
CO, IKF Fleet Operations

Brigadier General K'jahnn zantai-Ta'raQ-Rustadzh
IKF Chief of Staff
CO, IKV Chancellor's Revenge
CO, IKF Marines
IKF Weapons Master
IKF Fighters Guild Marshal

Lord General Krom zantai-Ketal

Lord Gen. Kerge zantai-Ta'Chookmah
DaHar Master
General Cha'Do zantai-Ta'raQ
CO, IKV Demon Claw
General Nin'Pa zantai-Krull-Rustadzh
IKF Founding Member
Captain Khartan zantai-Molnoth
High Cleric Monastery of BorethchaChief Ambassador IKF Diplomatic Corps

Lord Admiral(Ret.) MiQel zantai-Rustadzh
High Cleric of Borethcha'DaHar Master

Lord Gen. Tol'Kndar zantai-Rustadzh
Grand Marshall IKF Fighters GuildCO, IKF Raids and Planning

General K'robb zantai-Rustadzh
IKF Surgeon GeneralIKF Quartermaster

General K'Nis zantai-Rustadzh
Grand Marshall IKF Fighters GuildIKF Founding Member