To: New IKF Command Officer Trainees
FM: IKF Command Training Academy
RE: Academy Training.

So you've just been promoted and you're probably wondering what to do next. You wish to command, but are unsure how. With time and guidance from the IKF Command Training Academy you will be able to command effectively.

Your training will consist mostly of trial and error in order to discover a style of command all your own. The CTA is a two week long training session all command officers must go through. The High Council will assist in learning basic command tactics which will include: chapter start-up, diplomatic relations and delegating authority. The IKF CO's Bible will be your main guide to learning these techniques.

In the Links below you will find a questionnaire to evaluate your ability to command effectively. The questionnaire will consist of nine scenarios with no right or wrong answers. The IKF High Council will not offer any assistance in the completion of these scenarios. You must use only the information that is given to you. Your proctor will give you a link to the exam with a CTA ID number after you have had enoughtime to completely review the informational materials provided on this site. After completing the CTA the High Council will assist on command level decisions if need be.

The IKF High Council believes that the purpose of the CTA is to educate members on the ideal way to command a ship. This provides ship commanders with a basic understanding of what goes into running and operating a chapter of IKF. This will give you the opportunity to find out what goes into running a ship and if the responsibility is one which you care to accept, or leave behind.

Good Luck,

Thought Admiral Kethas epetai-Rustadzh
Chancellor, IKF High Council