Promotions, Awards, Etc...

Lady Mistress Komonda zantai-Rustadzh has been appointed IKF's Surgeon Mistress

If you have questions about the IKF Medical Corps, contact Lady Mistress Komonda at:

Captain Khieras zantai-T'Ruqnar CO of the IKV Kri'stak has been appointed CO of the IKF Quartermaster Corps

If you have questions about the IKF Quartermaster Corps, contact Captain Khieras at:

So, if you see any of these warriors wandering aimlessly around a con with a Bloody Nose you'll know why!

Welcome to the Order of the Bloody Nose! 0606.04 is the wedding of GhopNImIgh (Right Hand of Evil [Kevin Brower]) to mInmIgh (Eye of Evil [Sandra Laney]). May their life together be long and glorious!!

0606.04 also marks the announcement of the engagement of mIgh (Evil Incarnate [Michael Anderson]) and HaghmIgh (Laughing Evil [LeAnn Stout]) May they bring glory to the Empire!!

0606.06 marks the 8th anniversary of the wedding of ([James Anderson]) and ([Angie Anderson]) Glory unto them all.

0606.10 is the birthday of Ka'Vid Trekkan ([David Taylor]).

0606.20 June is also the Birthday of PuQbe'mIgh (Daughter of Evil [Talitha Anderson])

Congratulations to House SalHov!! Long may she grow! Congratulations House Trekkan!, Congratulations to the Anpu Attack Fleet, And Congratulations to the Empire!!!

So, if you see any of these warriors wandering aimlessly around a con with a Bloody Nose you'll know why!

Welcome to the Order of the Bloody Nose!