I.K.V. NasToj
Flagship of the IKF and yo' wa'
Located in the Heart of Pennsburg, PA
IKF Trifoil NasToj Logo
IKV NasToj - L-99d
13th Tactical Fighter Squadron 111th RO

"To the last I will grapple with thee!
From Hell's Heart I stab at thee... For Hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee..."

-Moby Dick

About the IKV NasToj

The IKV NasToj is the Flagship to the Imperial Klingon Forces, and the yo' wa' (First Fleet) of IKF (covering PA, NY, NJ, DL, MD, and DC). We're a fun bunch with a long history of community service, as well as participating and organizing LARPing, RPG's, On-line Flight Sim's, betleH fighting, trips to conventions, and so much more.

The NasToj history is full of Glorious and Honorable activities. For more information on who we are, and what we do e-mail Chancellor Rustadzh and pose your questions. Interested in checking us out first hand? Inspection tours are readily available at any meeting, and family members are more than welcome to attend with you, as well as children.

NOTE: We are a child friendly group, but there are some activities we hold where it may not be appropriate for children to attend (such as activities that involve imbibing spirits - not the spooky kind either).
For more information on those events, contact Chancellor Rustadzh.

Site modification: 1/1402.11

Site Created By:
Siegel Web Design

Imperial Klingon Forces (IKF) ©1994-2014; IKV NasToj ©1990-2014. All Rights Reserved to Authors and Artists. IKF is a not-for-profit Fan organization devoted to portraying the Klingon way of life through Live action gaming/Role playing. No copyright infringement is intended for use of Star Trek Terms and expressions.

Star Trek is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures / Viacom. NO Copyright Infringement is intended for use of artwork, terms, or anything pertaining to Star Trek, DS9, Voyager, Etc...

If a more specific and complete copyright disclaimer is needed, the webmaster/webauthor will comply with a reasonable request directly from Paramount Pictures / Viacom.